Exercise Bundle - Cleansing Energy Fields
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Exercises to cleanse energy fields
Visualisation for Energy Cleansing is a powerful method for purification because it allows you to clearly formulate your intentions and transform them into a conscious experience. When you visualize, you activate specific areas in your brain involved in creating images and feelings, instructing your body to respond to these mental images. This mind-body connection helps bring unconscious patterns to awareness, allowing you to release negative influences and strengthen your energy field with positive energy. The impact of colors and shapes in your visualizations can enhance these processes as they evoke specific emotions and energies that support your intentions. Here are three visualization exercises to cleanse your energy field:
Exercise 1 - Energy Balls: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Visualize yourself surrounded by a dome of white light that protects and cleanses you. Focus on your aura and observe if there are any negative energies present, which you can see as black balls within the dome. If you’ve experienced a negative situation or tension, focus on that energy and notice where it exists as a ball in your aura. Identify the location, size, and weight of the ball; feel whether it’s heavy or light, and whether it’s moving or still. Ask each ball what it needs to release and let your intuition guide you in choosing a color to send to the ball. Send this color with the strong intention to transform the energy of the ball and remove it from your field. Repeat this process until you can transform the ball and it disappears from your dome. This exercise can be used for the purification of your personal energy field, in spaces, or as a reflection on specific charged situations.
Exercise 2 - Earth and Light Connection: Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out. Visualize a radiant, clear beam of white light flowing from the universe into your crown, filling you with positive energy. Imagine a firm, red cord or roots extending from your feet or root chakra deep into the Earth. As you feel this connection, release all negative energies and tensions, letting them sink into the Earth. As you release, feel and see the white light continue to fill you, restoring every cell in your body. Take several deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.
Exercise 3 - Body Scan: Lie or sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe deeply in and out, focusing on your body. Start at your toes and slowly scan upwards to your crown, consciously relaxing each part of your body. When you notice tension or negative energy, visualize a color and form to send to that specific area, like a calm blue ball dissolving pain or tension. Let this color release the negative energy with each exhale, while positive energy increases. Finish the exercise by filling yourself with radiant, positive energy that flows from your feet to your crown, embracing your body with love and acceptance. Take a moment to feel this new energy before slowly opening your eyes.
Asking for help from the Universe, God, your guides, ancestors, earth angels, or the source you believe in to support you in protecting and cleansing your energy field can be done through visualization, prayer, or simply stating your request. Repeat the intention: “I open my heart to protect and cleanse my energy field, allowing love and light to enter, and all negative energies and influences to be repelled and released.” Imagine a powerful energy surrounding you with light, shielding you from negative energies. Place your hands open on your knees or lap, feeling the energy flow through you, while everything you no longer need is released.
Showering (drain): When you take a shower or bath, you are not only cleansing your body but also your aura. By letting the water flow over you, you also partially cleanse your aura. Imagine that all negativity, tensions, and problems are flowing away, disappearing down the drain. This visualization strengthens your intentions. To enhance the cleansing process, you can wash yourself with sea salt, known for its ability to absorb negative energies, or with an herbal blend like sage or rosemary, traditionally used for their purifying properties. Essential oils such as eucalyptus or lavender can also help cleanse your energy field and give you a sense of calm and clarity.
Cleansing through Movement is a powerful way to release negative energies, including stagnant energy. Begin by setting an intention and follow it with action to relieve tension in your body. Hit a pillow to release frustrations, or use a dartboard to target and reject negative thoughts. Boxing helps you literally strike at what holds you back, while dancing moves stagnant energy and releases blockages. A brisk walk in nature restores your connection with yourself and your surroundings. Regular movement promotes the production of endorphins and serotonin, improving your mood. These substances not only improve your wellbeing but also help release negative energy.
Smudging is a powerful technique to cleanse negative energies using smoke. Start by choosing a bundle of herbs such as sage, palo santo, or rosemary. Light the herbs and let them burn well so that thick smoke is produced. As the smoke spreads, move the bundle in a circle around yourself and the space you wish to cleanse, always working outward. Visualize the smoke absorbing and transforming all unwanted energies. Don’t forget to reach the corners of the room, where energy can often stagnate. End the exercise by safely extinguishing the bundle and anchoring your intentions of cleansing and renewal.
Clear the "earthly dirt": Begin with a big cleanup: tidy up and declutter. Clearing physical clutter helps remove energetic blockages and promotes the flow of positive energy. Clutter and overstuffed closets create unrest in your mind and energy field. Cleaning not only brings order to chaos but also invites healing and harmony. Research shows that a tidy home contributes to better sleep and more clarity in your life. Our physical spaces reflect our inner state, so make it a ritual. This cleanup also impacts your thoughts; take the time to clear your mind and focus on what really matters.
Air out, rinse, and wipe down spaces and objects helps to remove negative energies, provided it’s done with the right intention. Start by opening windows and doors to break stagnation and let light and fresh air flow in. Use a cleaning product that you can charge with herbs like sage or rosemary for extra cleansing power. As you clean, visualize removing all unwanted energies. Don’t forget to also pay attention to the room corners, where energy can stagnate. This exercise not only brings clarity to your environment but also strengthens positive vibrations. Take a moment to feel and appreciate the renewed energy in your space.
Saltwater bath: Prepare a saltwater bath by dissolving a handful of sea salt or Himalayan salt in warm water. Submerge yourself or your feet in the water and visualize that all negative energies, tensions, and emotions you have gathered dissolve into the saltwater. As you relax, repeat the affirmation: "I release everything that no longer serves me." Feel the refreshing energy of the water and the cleansing effect of the salt. Take time to cleanse your body and mind from anything that hinders you. After the bath, rinse yourself off in the shower to wash away the remaining energies. This ritual helps cleanse your energy field and restore balance.
Shake off energy: Focus on your connection with the Earth by standing firmly or stamping your feet to release negative energy. Move your body by jumping and shaking your limbs. Visualize shaking off all negativity, tension, and adrenaline. Give yourself fully to the process and close your eyes. When you feel liberated, visualize light surrounding you that cleanses your energy field. Take deep breaths and let fresh, positive energy enter. Feel the power of movement in your body, renewing and grounding you. Just like dogs use this technique to relieve tension, you can free yourself from negative influences.
Cleansing through Sound is a powerful way to cleanse both your personal energy field and spaces. Start with drumming or using instruments to create rhythmic sounds; this helps loosen stagnant energy. Sing or chant mantras and sounds that are meaningful to you to harmonize your energy. Use sound bowls to create vibrations that cleanse your energy field and let the tones resonate. Feel the vibrations through your body and use sounds like "Ah" or "Om" to remove blockages. Ringing bells or wind chimes can help repel unwanted energies. Purifying mantras like the Gayatri mantra can be played. By integrating these techniques, you strengthen your intuition and release negative energy.
Candle burning is a powerful way to cleanse negative energies and brighten a space. Choose a candle color that aligns with your intention; black candles help repel negativity, while white candles offer protection and purification. To strengthen the ritual, write down what you wish to release on a note and bind it with a string or cord around the candle or engrave it into the candle. Light the candle with your intention in mind. As the flame burns, visualize the light absorbing and transforming all unwanted energies. Let the candle burn completely so that the energies can fill the space with renewing energy. Always be sure to handle fire safely.
- Use the Four Elements — Earth, Water, Fire, and Air to cleanse and reset yourself. For Earth, stand barefoot on the ground or sit against a tree to release negative energy. With Water, take a refreshing dip in nature or enjoy a relaxing bath, imagining that the water washes away all your worries. For Fire, light a fire or a candle and let your thoughts and worries go to the flames to be transformed. With Air, go to the beach or stand by an open window; breathe deeply and let the fresh air cleanse your body and mind. By integrating the four elements into your cleansing ritual, you powerfully renew yourself.
- Spellwork is a powerful way to cleanse negative energies. Start by formulating your intention; think about the negative energy or emotions you want to release. This is an important part of the process. Once you have clearly defined what you want to transform, speak a powerful incantation to strengthen your intention. For example: "I stand in my power, darkness is lost, with love and light,
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