1. Energetic Protection (Basics)
Creating a safe foundation starts with becoming aware of your own energy and the energies around you. Everything and everyone is made of energy and radiates energy. These energies can carry both a positive charge (light and high vibrational frequency) and a negative charge (heavy and low vibrational frequency). Even spaces that seem empty are actually filled with various energies. The overall energy of a person or space is influenced by, among other things: thoughts, emotions, events, intentions, actions, people, music, atmosphere, connections, spoken words, gratitude, love, curses, and blessings. Through a personal energy field surrounding our body, we perceive the energies in our environment, both consciously and unconsciously.
Our personal energy field (the aura) acts like a sponge, absorbing some of the energies around us. It is therefore common for people to feel uncomfortable or fatigued in or around certain (groups of) people, objects, or locations without any clear cause. In these cases, one unconsciously absorbs the lower and heavier energies from their environment, which then negatively affects their own energy field. When you are aware of energies and how they influence your vibe and energy field, you can exert more control over them and better shield yourself from unwanted influences.

In addition to protecting your personal energy field (aura), maintaining a healthy balance in energy exchange is essential for creating a safe foundation. A healthy energetic distance can help keep limiting people or situations at bay, not so much physically, but primarily on an energetic level. People with a weaker or lower energy field may (un)consciously siphon energy from you, which can negatively impact your well-being. Consciously cutting energetic cords with these individuals ensures that the energy flow is stopped, allowing both individuals to stand in their own energy and power. This process promotes self-protection and helps keep your energy field pure and strong.
In addition to the connections we form, our living environment also has a direct impact on our energy. Every space absorbs energy, which can be both positive and negative. As a result, a space can sometimes feel heavy and dark. By energetically cleansing a space, you remove these negative energies and create room for new, light energy. After removing negativity, it is important to refill the space with positive energy, thereby creating a healthy and harmonious living environment for yourself.

The following pages delve into the theory and exercises for energetic protection. They provide inspiration for developing your own approach and techniques. Follow your intuition and creativity when choosing or developing a ritual that makes you feel comfortable and safe. Your focus and intentions are crucial and largely determine the outcome.
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Let’s begin our journey together and explore the possibilities of energy, consciousness, growth, and manifestation. Do you need help with energetic protection, cleansing your energy field, or are you interested in spiritual guidance and readings? Feel free to reach out for any questions or to schedule a personal appointment!