Exercise Bundle: Healthy Energy Exchange
You can also download this bundle of exercises below in PDF format. The PDF also includes all the images, where you can easily see whether it’s a cleansing exercise (blue), a strengthening exercise (yellow), or a protective exercise (green).

Exercises Healthy Energy Exchange
Applying self-reflection to strengthen and protect your aura begins with examining your own role in energy exchanges. Reflect on the patterns you attract and why you allow certain energies into your life. This often stems from unconscious behaviors, such as not setting boundaries, the desire to please, or a lack of self-worth. By becoming aware of these patterns, you can adjust your own aura and behaviors to attract healthier energy exchanges. A helpful way to gain insight is by using a self-reflection questionnaire, which helps you investigate how behaviors and beliefs influence your energy field.
Posture: Do you feel that someone is consciously or unconsciously draining your energy? Adjust your posture. When your legs and arms are open, your life energy is more easily drained. Place your legs together, cross your arms, and clench your fists. This causes your energy field to shrink, making it more compact and both literally and figuratively more closed off. Posture is a key method to protect yourself from energy drains, which many people unconsciously apply. A firm, closed posture can boost your confidence and provide a sense of safety in uncomfortable situations.
Sending Energy Back to the Sender: It can happen that a difficult situation, feeling, pain, or mood from someone else is projected onto you (unconsciously). You then take on this energy, and the feeling often comes unexpectedly. You may suddenly experience a mood shift or uncomfortable sensation that dominates your thoughts and feelings. If you notice such a feeling overtaking you, you can send it back to the original sender. Visualize or state your intention: "I send this energy back to the original sender," thereby releasing it. This way, the energy returns to the person who can do something with it. Remember, energy can be passed on by multiple people, so it's important to always send it back to the source.
Mirror Exercise: Is the energy of someone around you truly persistent? Try visualizing a mirror between you and the source/person emitting negativity. The mirror is positioned so that the person can see themselves, reflecting the negative vibrations they are emitting. This can subconsciously compel the person to face themselves and become aware of their energy. This exercise helps you protect yourself and can influence the other's behavior, especially when unconscious reactions reveal deep-seated patterns. This way, you prevent low vibrations from traveling further or reaching you. Don’t forget to remove the mirror when you leave, so space and calmness can be restored.
Not Giving to Get - Open to Receive: Sit quietly and breathe deeply. Visualize a gentle flow of energy between you and the other person. Say to yourself: "I give from my heart, without expectation, and I am open to receive." Let go of the need to control the outcome and trust the natural flow of energy. Receive compliments or help without resistance, without needing to reciprocate or say anything. Let go of your own ideas, allowing a genuine balance to emerge. Avoid steering your communication or behavior toward a desired result; instead, let yourself be guided by your feeling. This allows the interaction to grow authentically. There are also meditations available called “Open to Receive” to deepen this experience.
Investigating the Source of Negativity: Try to examine the source of the negative energy you’re experiencing from within your power bubble. Identifying and concretizing this negative energy causes it to automatically shrink and become less threatening. Is it an object, a person, or a specific group that negatively influences you? Or is it a personal fear triggered by someone’s appearance, behavior, facial expression, or language? Once you recognize the source, you can consciously choose how to deal with it, making it easier to address and cleanse the underlying cause.
Creating a Safe Space for Energy Exchange: Creating a safe space is essential for a positive energy exchange, especially during charged conversations. Begin by arranging the environment: ensure the space is tidy, quiet, with soft lighting and comfortable seating. This fosters a sense of relaxation and openness. To keep negative energy out, you can use salt. For instance, place a salt shaker or sprinkle salt near the door with the intention that all negativity stays outside. This creates a protective barrier. It’s also helpful to have a personal talisman or protective symbol in the space, further strengthening your intention for safety and harmony.
Cleansing Energy Connections: Ensure you are grounded and your breathing is balanced. Sit on a chair and visualize the person in front of you from whom you want to retrieve your energy and whose energy you wish to return. Between you and the person, visualize a large burning fire—a cleansing fire filled with light that transforms negative energy and tension. Behind you and the other person, visualize a large magnet. Ask the magnet to help retrieve your energy from the other person, allowing it to pass through the fire. The energy is purified, as mixed energy is no longer pure, and it’s important to distinguish what belongs to you and what belongs to the other. Do the same for the energy of the other person still with you. Repeat this until you feel that all energy between you and the other has been exchanged.
Visualization is a powerful method for setting intentions and can also be used for protection, especially during energy exchanges between people. You can create your own mental images to represent this protection. Some visualization exercises to protect against unwanted energy mixing include: visualize the energy cord and cut it mentally, or imagine a protective symbol between you and the other person that cleanses the energy. Another example is to envision sending a clear blue light beam that purifies the energy between you so only positive, harmonious energy flows. This enhances the quality of the energy exchange.
Protection Symbol or Stone: A powerful tool against energy mixing is visualizing a protective symbol or stone between you and the person in question. This symbol or stone can always be the same or vary. The strength of the symbol or stone is enhanced when you regularly recall it and focus on the protective power you assign to it. Using a protective symbol or gemstone helps you create awareness of the energy you emit and receive, making it easier to protect your personal space. A protective symbol or gemstone can also be physically carried with you, for instance, in the form of jewelry.
Request Help from the Universe, God, Your Guides, or the Source: This can be done through visualization, prayer, or simply by speaking it aloud. Ask for clear signs and guidance, especially when you are unsure about your next step or when there are tensions in communication and connections. Let go of the outcome and be open to the path you’re guided on. Repeat the intention: "I open my heart to the guidance of the universe and allow myself to be led by the signals I receive." Trust the synchronicity that may occur: chance meetings, words that resonate with you, or situations that grab your attention. Pay close attention to these signals and how they may offer insights. The more open you are to these signals, the stronger your intuition becomes. This exercise helps you trust the process and offers clarity in your choices.
‘Yes’ and ‘No’ Framing Exercise: Think of a situation where you felt uncomfortable because you said ‘yes’ when you really wanted to say ‘no’. Visualize this moment and reframe it in your mind: “Next time I’m in this situation, I will choose ‘no’.” Practice this reframing several times and imagine how it feels to assert your boundaries. Take the time to practice this in a safe environment, such as with a friend or in the mirror. This exercise is designed to boost your self-confidence in setting boundaries. By preparing for the moment when you need to say ‘no’, you develop an assertive mindset. The more you repeat this exercise, the easier it becomes to set boundaries without fear or guilt.
Sincere Compliments: Practice giving sincere compliments, both to people you know and strangers. Focus on the positive qualities of others and offer specific compliments like: “You have a wonderful presence!” or “Your contribution is valuable.” Notice how the other person responds and feel the energy that arises between you. Also remain open to receiving compliments, without the urge to reciprocate or downplay yourself. How do you feel about this? Recognize the balance between giving and receiving and ask yourself: “What can I take away from this for myself?” Receive every compliment with love and acknowledgment, knowing that it strengthens both the other person and you.
Anchor Exercise – Boosting Self-Confidence: Think of a situation in which you felt strong and confident. Visualize this moment as vividly as possible and pay attention to the specific details: what you saw, heard, and felt. Connect this powerful memory to a physical anchor, such as squeezing your hand or touching your heart. Repeat this action while evoking the positive emotions. Practice this technique regularly so you can use the anchor when you feel uncertain or vulnerable. By activating this anchor, you can tune back into powerful energy during challenging interactions. This exercise helps boost your self-confidence and enables you to set boundaries more easily. The more often you apply this technique, the stronger the anchor becomes.
Heart Chakra Connection Exercise: The heart chakra, located in the middle of the chest, is the center of love and connection. To enhance the energy exchange, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Visualize your heart chakra as a radiant golden light that expands. Set the intention to send this warm energy to the other person with the thought: “I send my loving energy to you.” Feel the connection that forms and allow any emotions that arise. When you're ready, bring the energy back to your heart chakra to regenerate. This exercise strengthens emotional bonds and fosters deeper interactions. Regularly practicing this connection improves the quality of your relationships and strengthens energetic harmony.
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Let’s begin our journey together and explore the possibilities of energy, consciousness, development, and manifestation. Do you need help with energetic protection, cleansing your energy field, or are you interested in spiritual guidance and readings? Feel free to get in touch for any questions or to make a personal appointment!